Little River Ferry Beach Comox

While on Vancouver Island I visited the area around Comox. This is one of the Beaches in Comox. At low tide you can walk out and explore the tidal pools that are made when the tide goes out. It is amazing how colorful everything is. You can find all kinds of sea creatures.

It is still early in the spring and the tide was not out as far as it can go, so there was a minimal amount of creatures to see.

This is The Little River Ferry Beach.

Looking for Sea Creatures.

Sea Urchin

These star fish are mostly a purple color, but you can find some tan colored ones. They are just every where hanging onto the rocks.

This is one of the pools that is made when the tide goes out. All kinds of sea life can be found in them.

This is a Gunnel fish. You walk through the tide pools and lift the rocks and you can find the fish under them. The fish can grow up to ten inches long and come in a multitude of colors. This is an eel like fish.

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